G - reading "J Is for Jump":
G - Seguin tens board (she did numbers 11-19, and then she counted by 10s to 90):
G - zipper dressing frame (she also did buttoning, snapping, and lacing):
G - using chalk to write the names of the CVC words from our I Spy game:
E - coloring with markers...
[Note to self - don't turn back on baby with markers]:
E - pouring colored bears:
E - sorting two colors of bears:
S - Singapore Math 2A:
S - handwriting (she was asked to create her own set of things to do):
S - Spelling Workout A, Lesson 22
S - binomial cube:
S - trinomial cube:
S - exploring trinomial cube:
S - and still more:
S - Pythagoras board:
S - using chalk to write the names of the objects from our /m/ phonetic objects box:
S - sticker mosaic:
N - Singapore Math 4A:
N - Zaner-Bloser Handwriting 2C:
N - piano theory:
N - logic/mapmaking activity from a random U.S. Geography book we have: